Posts tagged with c++
All posts tagged with c++ in chronological order with newest first.
Heat diffusion on multiple GPUs
The implementation of the heat diffusion equation on multiple GPUs is explained in the talk (in german).
Gute Einführung in C++ AMP
“C++ AMP: Accelerated Massive Parallelism with Microsoft Visual C++” ist eine gute Einführung in die Programmierung mit C++ AMP. Leider ist das Buch zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension das einzige Buch über C++ AMP, so dass ich es nur mit anderen Büchern über CUDA und OpenCL vergleichen kann.
Examples for parallelism: ray tracer on the GPU
I tested the parallel ray tracer on all NVIDIA cards i bought. This page contains the results.
Examples for parallelism: ray tracer
I wanted to learn some frameworks for parallel computing and i decided to implement a simple ray tracer as a "visual benchmark".
Compiling OpenCL programs on Mac OS X Snow Leopard
I installed Snow Leopard on my laptop yesterday. I was very curious about OpenCL and installed the drivers and the GPU Computing SDK from NVIDIA.