Jörn Dinkla's blog

Every post belongs to exactly one  category and can have multiple  tags . This site contains a mixture of english and german articles. Due to time constraints i can not translate all of them into english. English articles are tagged with  en and german articles with  de .

The latest 15 articles.

Who Ensures Quality in the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)?

As an external consultant in an Enabling Team for Cloud Architecture, I supported several teams and noticed that software development quality was lacking. This surprised me because the client was using the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). A quick look at the SAFe website promises that quality is built in with “build quality in.” Why was this not the case in the projects I was involved in?

May 31, 2024

Generating dialogues with OpenAI's API

During the winter holidays I had some fun letting AIs discuss with each other about various topics. I personally like to chat with ChatGPT and challenge it (him/her) with difficult thoughts. I wondered if I can let ChatGPT argue with other instances of itself …

Dec 31, 2023

Using OpenAI's API to generate prompts for images

The advances of artificial intelligence in the last months are simply breath taking. It is now very easy to use “intelligent” APIs in your web app. In this example application the user can describe a scene in simple terms. GPT creates a fully fledged description and DALL-E 2 converts this into an image.

Apr 12, 2023
Test driven development of concurrent programs in Kotlin at KKon 2022

Test driven development of concurrent programs in Kotlin at KKon 2022

Sep 13, 2022
Coroutines in Kotlin at KKon 2021 Warmup

Coroutines in Kotlin at KKon 2021 Warmup

Apr 23, 2021
Ray tracer in Kotlin

The Ray Tracer Challenge in Kotlin

Jan 10, 2021

Update of my website to Bootstrap 5

I updated my website so that it looks new and shiny and provides faster and easier access.

Dec 29, 2020
Refactoring with the Mikado Method

Refactoring with the Mikado Method

Apr 02, 2020
A short introduction to Kotlin

A short introduction to Kotlin

Mar 04, 2020
Plain react, hooks and/or Redux

Plain react, hooks and/or Redux

Mar 04, 2020

Coroutines in Kotlin and Go in iX Developer - "Weniger warten, asynchron arbeiten"

iX Developer 1/2019
Dec 01, 2019

Migrating a ray tracer from Java and Groovy to Kotlin (part 3)

I continued to work on migrating my ray tracer to Kotlin. Now the scenes can be specified with a Kotlin DSL and all Groovy code is gone.

May 25, 2019
Weniger warten, asynchron arbeiten

Coroutines in Kotlin and Go on heise Developer

May 06, 2019
Concurrency in Kotlin with coroutines

Concurrency in Kotlin with coroutines

Apr 23, 2019
Jörn Dinkla at the parallel 2019 conference

Talk about coroutines in Kotlin at the parallel 2019 conference

Feb 21, 2019