Posts in GPU Computing
All posts in GPU Computing in chronological order with newest first.
Heat diffusion on multiple GPUs
The implementation of the heat diffusion equation on multiple GPUs is explained in the talk (in german).
Gute Einführung in C++ AMP
“C++ AMP: Accelerated Massive Parallelism with Microsoft Visual C++” ist eine gute Einführung in die Programmierung mit C++ AMP. Leider ist das Buch zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension das einzige Buch über C++ AMP, so dass ich es nur mit anderen Büchern über CUDA und OpenCL vergleichen kann.
Examples for parallelism: ray tracer on the GPU
I tested the parallel ray tracer on all NVIDIA cards i bought. This page contains the results.
Compiling OpenCL programs on Mac OS X Snow Leopard
I installed Snow Leopard on my laptop yesterday. I was very curious about OpenCL and installed the drivers and the GPU Computing SDK from NVIDIA.