Posts tagged with functional-programming
All posts tagged with functional-programming in chronological order with newest first.
Fusion of object oriented and functional programming
The fusion of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Functional Programming (FP) languages has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many programming languages now offering features and constructs from both paradigms.
EuroClojure 2017 in Berlin
In my first project for ThoughtWorks the backend is written in Clojure. Since the project was in Berlin, I visited the EuroClojure 2017 which takes place in Berlin this year, too.
Updated library of geometric algorithms
Today I released an updated version of the library of geometric algorithms.
Sehr viel Haskell, zu wenig funktionale Programmierung
Ich habe “Learn You a Haskell for Great Good” zur Auffrischung meiner Haskell-Kenntnisse gelesen. Während meines Studiums in den neunziger Jahren war ich begeisterter funktionaler Programmierer. Meine Diplomarbeit habe ich 1997-98 über „Geometrische Algorithmen in Haskell“ geschrieben.
Parallelization with Haskell - Easy as can be
The functional programming language Haskell provides a very easy way of parallelization.
New version of the library of geometric algorithms in Haskell
Almost 10 years after the initial release, i released an updated version of the library of geometric algorithms in Haskell. It now builds with Cabal and requires the Glasgow Haskell Compiler.