Test driven development of concurrent programs in Kotlin at KKon 2022

September 13, 2022

Concurrent and asynchronous applications can be written in Kotlin with coroutines in a precise and structured way. Unfortunately, concurrency often increases the complexity and it is difficult to create bug-free and maintainable programs.

In my talk “Korrekte nebenläufige Anwendungen mit Koroutinen und TDD” at the KKon 2022 I show that test-driven development (TDD) is a solution.

See the slides:

This presentation presents a step-by-step process of using Koroutines and library functions for concurrent programs. It also includes exception-handling, communication via shared memory (e.g. channels), flows, interfaces for reactive programming, and UIs (Android and Swing). Participants are not required to have experience with Koroutines or test driven development, although familiarity is beneficial.

Attendees will learn how Koroutines work and how to use them, how to implement concurrent and asynchronous applications using TDD, and advanced topics in concurrency.